Traditional Pizza Oven

The traditional oven is a pizza oven that has been in use for thousands of years. The traditional oven is also known as a stone oven or brick oven. This oven consists of a chamber made of fireproof brick, clay or stone. Traditional ovens, as opposed to other types of pizza ovens, heat the pizza on contact. The heat gets soaked up by the stone walls and base of the chamber. When the oven reaches a really hot temperature, it releases the heat slowly.


The traditional pizza oven has remained a popular choice for thousands of years. And there is a good reason for that. The traditional oven not only traps heat in its chamber but also steam. This makes for a delicious chewy crust with a rich flavour. If you work with a traditional oven, you are a true artisan. With a good understanding of the traditional oven, you set yourself apart from other pizza bakers by adding authenticity, value and quality to your pizza


When baking a pizza in a traditional oven, it is essential that you find a red cheddar cheese that is well suited to that oven. The perfect collaboration between ingredients and your baking methods allows you to create a delicious pizza that tantalises the senses and excites your customers. And isn't that what being an artisanal pizza baker is all about?


The traditional oven uses very high temperatures. When it comes to cheese, you want to use a red cheddar cheese that melts slowly enough to allow the base to cook and that doesn't burn in your hot oven. And as a true artisan, you also strive toward authentic appearance and a heavenly taste.


Do you want to top your pizza with delectable cheese that works in perfect harmony with your oven? Then alpremo has the perfect solution for you!


With red cheddar cheese from alpremo, you enjoy the optimal benefits of your traditional oven. Our unique red cheddar cheese is designed to give you the best results when baking your pizza your way.


Try our revolutionary red cheddar cheese now and taste the difference! 


Alpremo red cheddar cheese is made with special production process and according to traditional irish techniques, which allows you to use all kind of ovens for the ultimate pizza experience with a perfect melt, unique color, maximum stretch and unique taste.


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